New policy enforcement guidelines for our CC and Rs 2023-2024
The Association has been working to improve the appearances of the properties within our community and ultimately the property values for us all. The Board of Directors is charged with enforcing the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and the Association’s Rules and Regulations. We have done this to the best of our ability, wearing both the hats of “neighbor” and “board member”, and always aim to be consistent and fair in our expectations.
Some members have expressed their concerns that the enforced policies have been too strict, and that the time allowed for remedy of a violation has, at times, been unrealistic. Often there is little latitude for interpretation of the governing documents which spell out the requirements for maintaining your home and lot. However, we have adjusted our inspection schedule to target violations at more seasonally appropriate times. This linked document will help you anticipate and plan your home and property maintenance and is also available on the Documents & Links page as the V.P. CC&R Policy Enforcement Guidelines and Timing.