Vinland Pointe Vinland Pointe

Vinland Pointe Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities available to pitch in and volunteer to help keep Vinland Pointe at its best:

  1. There is an open resident volunteer position for the PIC Committee

  2. There are open resident volunteer positions for Social / July 4, picnic / Annual Vinland Pointe Yard sale

    To volunteer, contact any of our Directors, or simply complete the Volunteer form - available in the documents tab above and submit to Lauren Smith, our Community Manager at

There are many opportunities available to pitch in and volunteer to help keep Vinland Pointe at its best:

  1. There is an open resident volunteer position for the PIC Committee

  2. There are open resident volunteer positions for Social / July 4, picnic / Annual Vinland Pointe Yard sale

    To volunteer, contact any of our Directors, or simply complete the Volunteer form - available in the documents tab above and submit to Randi Kibbie, our Community Manager or Michael Klein our President at

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Vinland Pointe Vinland Pointe

Regent Park Fence Ownership and Responsibility

As you know, the ownership and responsibility for the fence that runs along Regent Park and behind the twelve homes that back up to the park has been the topic of much debate for the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors in recent months. (See plat map below) After thoroughly researching the matter the board has reached the following conclusions:

1. The responsibility for maintaining the outward facing (east) side of this fence belongs solely to the HOA.

2. Routine staining and maintenance for the interior portions of this fence will remain the responsibility of the owners of these properties.

3. The HOA shall be responsible for arranging and paying for routine maintenance and repair to the outward (east) facing portion of this fence.

4. The Vinland Pointe HOA 2021 III Reserve Funding report covering the period / fiscal years of 2020 and 2021, states that the "Fence, Wood Restain" has 2 more years of useful life before re-staining. That would make it 2022 or 2023. The “Fence, Wood Replace” has 11 more years of remaining useful life before being replaced in 2031 or 2032.

Should you have any questions or concerns, those may be directed to the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors or to me, Lauren Smith, Vinland Pointe’s Community Manager.

As you know, the ownership and responsibility for the fence that runs along Regent Park and behind the twelve homes that back up to the park has been the topic of much debate for the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors in recent months. (See plat map below) After thoroughly researching the matter the board has reached the following conclusions:

1.       The responsibility for maintaining the outward facing (east) side of this fence belongs solely to the HOA.

2.     Routine staining and maintenance for the interior portions of this fence will remain the responsibility of the owners of these properties.

3.     The HOA shall be responsible for arranging and paying for routine maintenance and repair to the outward (east)  facing portion of this fence.

4.    The Vinland Pointe HOA 2022 III Reserve Funding report covering the period / fiscal years of 2020 and 2022, states that the "Fence, Wood Re-stain" has  2 more years of useful life before re-staining.   That would make it 2022 or 2023.  The “Fence,  Wood Replace” has 5-7 more years of remaining useful life before being replaced in 2028  or 2032.

Should you have any questions or concerns, those may be directed to the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors or to me,

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HOA Vinland Pointe HOA Vinland Pointe

Get involved with your HOA - Committee opportunities available

Click here on HOA COMMITTEE OPPORTUNITIES FEB 2021 to print or view the PDF

Open positions are in BOLD type - or …

Click here on HOA COMMITTEE OPPORTUNITIES FEB 2024 to print or view the PDF



1.     Social: DIRECTOR: Michael Klein

a.     Committee Director: Jen Heck-Deery

b.    Yard Sale & July 4 Picnic in Regent Park and Gazebo

Additional Volunteers Welcome

2.     PIC: DIRECTOR: Michael Klein

a.     Committee DIRECTOR:  Michael Klein

b.     RESIDENT Volunteer:  ____________________________


3.     Web Site & Security:  DIRECTOR: Susan Haussmann-Collins


b.     RESIDENT Volunteers:


4.     Newsletter:  DIRECTOR:

a.     Committee DIRECTOR: Kim

b.     RESIDENT Volunteer: ____________________________


5.     Landscape & Irrigation:

a.     Committee DIRECTOR: Susan Collins

b.     RESIDENT Volunteer: _______________________        New Director


6.     Vinland HOA – Elementary Path winter ice melt:  George Evanoff


7.     Mailbox area winter ice melt:  Michelle Meng


8.     *Facebook Group Coordinator: (Not a function of the HOA)


Member opportunities:

            July 4, Promote Fireworks safety and consideration

            July 4, SOCIAL committee – Regent Park Picnic & Parade

            Social  committee – Annual Vinland Pointe Yard Sale

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Vinland Pointe Vinland Pointe

Trash Can Storage Rules

Dear Vinland Pointe Residents,

It has come to our attention that there was some confusion or misunderstanding regarding the rules for storage of trash containers. Many of you received violation letters last week regarding visible trash cans on the sides of your homes. The Board discussed the situation at their meeting on Thursday, October 29th, 2022 and has decided to enforce the rules as written in the Rules and CC&R’s beginning December 1st. This means trash containers may no longer be stored along the side of your garage unless completely screened from view or obscured by a fence. For those owners who received violation notices last week for trash bins visible along the sides of homes, those violations have been rescinded. The Community Manager will begin enforcing this rule December 1st, 2020.

The rule directly from the CC&R’s states:
Exhibit B (23): Garbage Disposal. The Owners of the Units shall ensure that no garbage can or other receptacle will be visible from any place outside the residence except on collection day.

Community Rules & Covenant Enforcement Policy Page 3, item 9 c: Trash and recycling bins MUST BE moved off the curb and stored out of sight from your front yard within 24 hours from the time of pick up.

Your Board of Directors

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Vinland Pointe Vinland Pointe

PIC application reminder

Remember that PIC applications must be submitted and approved BEFORE beginning your project - see the Property Improvement tab for information and form.

Remember that PIC applications must be submitted and approved BEFORE beginning your project - see the Property Improvement tab for information and form.

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Vinland Pointe Vinland Pointe

New policy enforcement guidelines for our CC and Rs 2023-2024

We have adjusted our inspection schedule to target violations at more seasonally appropriate times. This linked document will help you anticipate and plan your home and property maintenance and is also available on the Documents & Links page as the V.P. CC&R Policy Enforcement Guidelines and Timing.

The Association has been working to improve the appearances of the properties within our community and ultimately the property values for us all. The Board of Directors is charged with enforcing the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and the Association’s Rules and Regulations. We have done this to the best of our ability, wearing both the hats of “neighbor” and “board member”, and always aim to be consistent and fair in our expectations.

Some members have expressed their concerns that the enforced policies have been too strict, and that the time allowed for remedy of a violation has, at times, been unrealistic. Often there is little latitude for interpretation of the governing documents which spell out the requirements for maintaining your home and lot. However, we have adjusted our inspection schedule to target violations at more seasonally appropriate times. This linked document will help you anticipate and plan your home and property maintenance and is also available on the Documents & Links page as the V.P. CC&R Policy Enforcement Guidelines and Timing.

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Property Improvement Vinland Pointe Property Improvement Vinland Pointe

Planning a property improvement?

Spring is coming and if you are planning projects, remember that PIC forms must be submitted and approved BEFORE any work begins. Reference “PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT” tab a top of all pages. Lots of pertinent information is available there - or contact PIC Chair, Mike Klein for details

Spring is coming and if you are planning projects, remember that PIC forms must be submitted and approved BEFORE any work begins. Reference “PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT” tab a top of all pages. Lots of pertinent information is available there or Michael Klein.

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