Regent Park Fence Ownership and Responsibility

As you know, the ownership and responsibility for the fence that runs along Regent Park and behind the twelve homes that back up to the park has been the topic of much debate for the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors in recent months. (See plat map below) After thoroughly researching the matter the board has reached the following conclusions:

1.       The responsibility for maintaining the outward facing (east) side of this fence belongs solely to the HOA.

2.     Routine staining and maintenance for the interior portions of this fence will remain the responsibility of the owners of these properties.

3.     The HOA shall be responsible for arranging and paying for routine maintenance and repair to the outward (east)  facing portion of this fence.

4.    The Vinland Pointe HOA 2022 III Reserve Funding report covering the period / fiscal years of 2020 and 2022, states that the "Fence, Wood Re-stain" has  2 more years of useful life before re-staining.   That would make it 2022 or 2023.  The “Fence,  Wood Replace” has 5-7 more years of remaining useful life before being replaced in 2028  or 2032.

Should you have any questions or concerns, those may be directed to the Vinland Pointe Board of Directors or to me,


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